Wednesday 1 January 2014

Chapter 1:

The great war in Lanka has just been dealt with. The righteous have prevailed once more. It's time to move on to things more mundane. The great leader Ram, the king of Ayodhya, has to compensate for the sin of slaying thousands. The times are chaotic. People, though rejoice their victory over evil, have to get back home, meet their beloved after years of painful partition. Some of the living were more dead than the dead. Fallen into the enemy's hands, all they want to do is to float through the days into an era more pleasing than the painful past.

But things will be set in motion, that will define the next epoch. Things so trivial after all that has happened...


May be I shouldn't ask him now. He has only just got back with her. Oh! The joy in his eyes...

"Oh! here you are!!" he came out of the tent the instant i turned back towards to my own tent. " I have just put her to sleep. Would you like to join me for a walk?"

"Actually, My lord, I was coming to speak to you."

"Very well then, let us dip our feet in the sea and ask her to lend some stillness to our troubled hearts."

"My lord, now that the war is over, now that we have achieved all that we have come here to achieve, I have a request for you. I know that the duty of ruling Lanka falls on my lap now. But before i take it up, I want to atone for my sins. My brothers were slain right in front of my eyes. I hardly have anybody to call my own.

I want to get away from this cursed land!! Move away to places which doesn't remind of my brother's headless body. And I would like it if we can go together. I would like to be near you for some more days. I would like to talk to you about things other than war strategies and wounded soldiers."

""Vibeeshana! So great is your devotion to dharma that you were ready to help slay your own brothers, even while I went great lengths to save my own. But such is war. Mutilated are the souls of soldiers, torn between duty and humanity. It is said, blessed is the one who dies in a war, the one alive has to live with the memory of the carnage. Imagine the plight of these soldiers then, they have lost themselves fighting the fight of others. Once the war is over, they have to find themselves back. Regain themselves. Pull themselves back to reality. And it is best if they do it alone. My dear friend, I say the same to you. Find yourself. Dig deep, but i can't dig for you."

His eyes, there is something about them..

"But i will give you something to help you out. Let's head back. I want you to see it in person."

What is this thing? Why should we head back right now?

It was a sculpture like any other. It was of lord Vishnu in the famous anathasayana pose: Vishnu sleeping on the 1000 headed snake Aadishesha floating in the sea or ocean of milk. Nothing special. There was a silver bowl filled with water, it was so polished that the sculpture seemed to be immersed in a glow...

An almost surreal glow!!! I was wrong. This is no ordinary sculpture. There is a sense of calmness creeping in. Wait, was it really the sculpture or was it the cool breeze and the lullaby of the waves? "

The idol, like all the stones used to build Lord Ram's bridge, floats on water, gently moving up and down with the vibrations.

"This is something that has brought me peace and comfort in some lonely days. I hope it brings the same to you too. "